Perhaps I am the minority in this thinking, but I don't think so. Fact is, most of the time I am operating as either Dad or Husband, and sometimes friend, or even Son and Brother.
Which means there are many occasions where I am in the mindset of one of these roles, and that uncomfortable moment comes up where someone asks me what I do for a living.
I am not ashamed at all of God's call on my life, but I really don't like the awkward moments that follow my answer. I try to say it in the least spiritual way I can think of, "I work at a church" or, "I minister at a church in town."
No matter how I word it, the inevitable follows. They either shut down the conversation and walk away, or begin to explain to me why they don't go to church anymore. I don't ask them, they just start explaining. There is also often a great increase in the use of the phrase "Lord knows...".
It's kind of funny, but mostly sad.
The most common explanation people give me is, they tried church, but it just wasn't for them. Maybe they went as a kid, or were part of a youth group in High School; but somehow they went from an attender to a non-attender.

I think the reason it is so difficult to reach someone in this position is they have tried church, and it didn't work for them. It is hard to convince us to try something again, especially when you are convinced it won't make a difference.
Trouble is, just attending church won't change your life, not really.
I think this stems from the fact that many believers have made the mistake of pushing church attendance, and not emphasizing relationship with Jesus.
In 1 Peter 1:8,9 it says, You never saw Him, yet you love Him. You still don't see Him, yet you trust Him - with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you'll get what you're looking forward to; total salvation.
Relationship with Jesus is something no one can give you, it is a journey we each need to walk on. And although we don't see Him, with relationship, there is no doubt that He is there. It is a genuine affection and love that grows in us as we get to know Him more.
So if up to this point, church is what you are trying, it is time to change your focus. If you tried church before and it didn't work for you, I understand. Instead build a relationship with Jesus.
It's always been about Relationship, Not Religion.
If you are in relationship with Jesus, He will bring you to a place of joy, peace, comfort, and understanding. Please hear me when I say, no matter how frequently you go, or how committed you are, Religion won't get you there.