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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

To See and Trust

In my life I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of different people, from all backgrounds, differing gifts, and all ages. Many times I have worked with them, but there are several times I have worked "for" them, and even some of them have worked "for" me. 

In light of this, there are a couple powerful realities I have observed. One is, it is a gift when you see someone, and realize and believe they can accomplish something well. We have all likely experienced this, when we are talking about an opportunity, or project, and someone says, "You would be perfect for this!" or perhaps, you've said it to others, as the realities of the challenge or opportunity become clear, you see the person, their gifts, their experience and come to the conclusion, they were made for this moment, that there isn't a better person to take it on. These are really great moments. It feels good to hear it, and it feels great to say it. 

Another observation is, it is a powerful choice to trust someone. Trust is a tricky thing. I confess for me, it is difficult for me to trust people. Part of that is, there are times I have allowed past experiences to shape how I see people; so at times, I don't start from a place of neutral trust gaining, I start from a place of mistrust. I don't think I'm alone in that, but that is a topic for another day. However, because of this, I am even more aware of what a gift trust really is. To look at a person, and say, "I believe you can do this, and do this well, and I'm going to walk away with the expectation that good things will come from you doing this, even though I'm not watching to observe." Now obviously, I over exaggerate the statement to make a point, that point being, trust looks like something. 

Romans 14:9 says, So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.

We are called to build each other up, and I have found, these two words, are some of the most powerful in this venture. We build by seeing, and we make peace by trusting.

So my simple encouragement to you, is for you to consider, who are you really seeing? And who are you really trusting? If the answer is no one, is that the answer God would desire you? Who might have God put in your path to challenge you in this way?

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

God Dwells in this Place

This is a guest post by my good friend Caitlyn Griffin

There is a place I like to go where I can think, pray, and dwell in the presence of God. The view is absolutely beautiful, gigantic trees lining the Puget Sound that surrounds the boating dock where I’m sitting. For a while I just sat there taking in the beauty of Washington's nature. The sun was setting and the light was hitting the water just perfectly. 

I opened up by Bible to Psalm 89 and began to read, when verses 9 and 11 stood out to me, “You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them…The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it.” 
When life gets crazy and overwhelming the only thing that can calm our hearts and focus our minds is the Lord. His desire is not for us to live in chaos or depression but to live in confidence of who God created us to be- magnificent, talented, and beautiful. We should also have comfort from the Holy Spirit who brings us peace amidst all this holy land He has created. 

I am reminded of how mighty the Lord is when I read Genesis 1:6-10, “And God said, ‘Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.’ So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault ‘sky.’ And there was evening, and there was morning- the second day. And God said, ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered to only place, and let dry ground appear.’ And is was so. God called the dry ground ‘land,’ and the gathered waters he called ‘seas.’ And God saw that it was good.”

It is written in the Word that God calls the world we live in and the land we walk on "good". The Lord is so powerful that with His own breath He can command the sky, seas, and land to be created. With His word He commands water to be still and with His Holy Spirit we have the freedom to walk amongst the Earth in peace. God’s Holy presence fills every place we go.
Today, I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you with peace in all the trials and triumphs you may be experiencing. And that you believe that the one true God who created the Heavens and the Earth created YOU for a purpose and for goodness.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

How Close Are You Really?

In our world of social media and the reality that nearly all of us has some form of public persona, we must make a decision of how we respond to this pressure.

It is easy to look at everyone else's vacations, meals, moments filled with laughter in all their posts, pictures, and shares; and come to two assumptions. One, our life is not as grand as everyone else's, and two, we should portray a picture of our life that seems far more appealing than it actually is.

This social reality is truly a new one. Although twenty years ago, we all some degree of public perception to consider, it was nothing compared to what is normative today. People have access to moment by moment updates of your life, and at least in some part, people expect you to have some form of up to date social media presence.

I will not spend time here making an argument for or against social media, I simply make this point, to emphasize a growing challenge we face, more specifically for this conversation, a growing challenge people in the church face.

The Bible is filled with passages that talk about the importance of living in deep and real community with others. One of my favorite passages about this is, Hebrews 10:24,25 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

We are supposed to be intentional about how we can encourage each other. We need to practice ways to love others, and find opportunities to be good to others. We need to be careful and not forget to spend meaningful time together, even though its easy to do. Instead, we need to encourage each other often.

So the real question is, how are we balancing our efforts in presenting a public persona and the more important need to develop and build deeper relationships? Are we being intentional with how we encourage others? Are we building close relationships? Are we being creative and consistent in stirring our friends toward love and good deeds?

I encourage you to consider, how faithful are you being in these real relationships, how close are you really to anyone? Are you leaning hard into the perception people have of you, or are you stirring others, and allowing them to stir you?

I would encourage you, that if as you reflect, you aren't happy with what you see, consider taking some steps today to change it.