I remember the first time I spent time around Treasa's Mom's side of the family. Treasa and I were dating, and I was so nervous. People were coming and going, and of course in my mind each person that didn't stop to say hi, was purposefully snubbing me. This was the type of wisdom I possessed as an 18 year old.
Then this man with the warmest of smiles walked right up to me. Nathan was so kind to me, he asked me about where I came from, and talked about how much he loved Treasa. Looking back, it wasn't the deepest of conversations, but Nathan immediately made an impact on me. His very presence showed love, kindness and acceptance.

After the service this weekend, Treasa described the stories people told of Nathan, about what impact he had on them. The same story held true, he was a kind, honorable, loving man.
This morning I find myself stirring with emotion. Mostly I am just sad that I won't be able to have another conversation with Nathan this side of eternity. Yet, I am also driven. I am driven to live my life with the kind of impact Nathan lived his with. I want to impact and surprise people with love and kindness.
I have often said the verse I try to live my life by, is 1 Corinthians 9:19-22; especially focusing on the end of verse 22, "I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." Nathan showed me that this can be lived out; and the impact when you do, is long lasting and far reaching.
What matters in life, is how you treat people, and how you make them feel. Thank you Nathan for making me feel welcomed and loved, I miss you.
i could tell you loved this man; how wonderful to have such a great role model.