In fact, for a long time, I was pretty upset with the idea of heaven. Partly because of the enormity of eternity, it scared me when I tried to imagine it. It felt like I was falling.
The main reason I was not real excited about heaven was because heaven was described as worshipping God all day long.
With my viewpoint of worship at that point... heaven sounded more like a punishment.
I grew up in a pretty traditional church, where we sang mostly hymns led with a piano and organ. I have since found other styles that I tend to prefer, but I still love many of the classics; however, my issue was not the style of worship.
The issue was my perspective of worship; or more accurately, my perspective of God.
I viewed God as big, powerful, holy, angry, and terrifying. My interactions with God, started and ended with, a long list of profuse apologies.
Worship for me, was trying to sing God's anger away. It was not pleasant for me, and I am not so sure God was super excited about it either.
Worship, much like Christianity, is much simpler than many make it out to be. Christianity is about relationship; a relationship with Jesus. Worship is one part of that relationship.
When you sing a song about how good God is, that should reflect your observation of God's goodness. When you sing about God's love, that should also reflect your appreciation for the love God has shown you.
God is not self conscious, needing your affirmation to remind Him He is doing a good job. God is not angry with you, and the purpose of your worship is not to sing God's anger away.
Worship is about your response to God in your life. If during worship you find yourself awkwardly standing there mumbling through the words, hoping they do 4 songs instead of 5; I would suggest this is not a style issue, it is a you issue.
The real issue is your perspective of worship; or more accurately, your perspective of God.
Follow me on this thought.

Worship when done from a viewpoint of relationship, becomes so easy and freeing, regardless of the style of music. Heaven becomes an exciting reward. It's an eternity of worshipping God!
That sounds good to me, because He is so good to me.
I like that. So are you saying worshop is not something I have to do but something I ahve to allow?
ReplyDeleteGood question Dan. I like the description of allowing worship. I think that says it well. At the risk of sounding like I am splitting hairs here, I would say that we do have to worship. Not out of duty, but because to know God, is to need to worship Him for who He is, and what He does for us.
ReplyDeletewow, well said! I have prayed for so many years that God would teach me what it means to worship in spirit and truth. I'm still journeying to find the answer, but I think you're right on when you say we can't sing His anger away. I tend toward trying to 'pay-off' my debts to the Lord rather than just resting in His amazing grace. I definitely want to be reverent and have a holy fear of the Lord, but I also want to cling to the truth that nothing I can do could justify me before our holy God. It's only under Christ's blood that I can freely come and worship. In light of that, I think of God like a Father. Just like I soooo love to spend time with my kids, God delights in spending time with us.