These phrases are frequently leaned on to explain difficult situations, but I have found them to be rarely understood, and infrequently helpful.
Someone shares of their complex or difficult situation, and they are met with a phrase like, "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
Or someone is dealing with an intensely deep hurt, and the response they hear is, "God never gives us more than we can handle; sometimes I just wish He didn't trust us so much."
Does God work in mysterious ways? Sure.
Does the Bible say God never gives us more than we can handle? Not really... check out the often misquoted verse for yourself to make your own assessment. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
I think the reality is, all of us face moments that are way more than we can handle. Maybe you are facing one of those moments right now.

So if we each face these situations, why do people keep saying things like this? Why do we offer up these empty sayings?
Truth is, I think for many people, that is the best answer they have. Their intentions are not to blow someone off, or hurt them.
They see the look of desperation in someones face, and that is the best they have to offer.
I have good news, that is not the best God has to offer.
In Psalms 50:15 it says, "Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."
If you are feeling completely overwhelmed, that's okay. Just don't stay there, God says to call out to Him, and He will rescue you!
We were never meant to work it out on our own. We are not left to just find a way because God has some blanket promise that it will never be too much, and if it feels like too much, you're wrong.
Jesus pretty clearly says that we will need Him, and that without Him, things will not go real well.
In John 15:5 Jesus puts it this way, "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."
So relax, it's okay that you have felt overwhelmed. You are not alone in feeling like life is way too hard.
That is why Jesus came.
So when you are reminded that it is more than you can handle, turn to Jesus, call on Him, He will rescue you.
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