No sooner does one storm pass, that another equally violent storm arrives. It arrives before you even have an opportunity to recover from the last one.
The expression, "When it rains, it pours." is quite appropriate for moments like these.
I have had numerous conversations with people who say, "I thought once you became a Christian, there weren't supposed to be any more troubles?" or they ask, "What am I doing wrong? I must be doing something to make God angry, because life has been so hard!"
My heart hurts for people in that place, because I too have wrestled with those same thoughts.
Yet, if we spend a little time reading God's Word, we find that there is no such promise, of perfect circumstance, or struggle-free living.

Jesus was such an awesome story teller. He explains through this story that, it isn't enough to merely hear what He is teaching; instead we need to hear what He says, and let His Words be the foundation we build our life on.
For instance, we read that Jesus says in John 15:12 "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." So when we find ourselves in a situation where we don't feel like showing love, we rely on our foundation, the words of Jesus. We then choose to follow Jesus' instructions, even if we don't feel like it.
It is a great story, that teaches an incredibly valuable point.
However, if you read through that passage in Matthew 7:24-29 again, you may find another important message as well.
Who was affected by the storm? The one who built their house on the rock, or the one who built their house on the sand?
The storm fell on both of them. The descriptive words are even the same, "... the winds blew and beat against that house..."
Ever feel like the winds of life are blowing against you, and beating you up?
You may even be feeling like that today. If so, please hear me when I say, you are not alone.
Storms fall on all of us.
The good news is, God has given us a way to make it through these storms.
If we allow Him to be our foundation, even the worst of storms, can not bring us down.
So let me encourage you, if you are walking through a season of stormy weather, spend less time trying to fight against the storm, and more time resting on your foundation.
By putting our focus on living out the things Jesus teaches, we can weather any storm.
I am praying for you friend!
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