I love the older saints in the church that have faithfully been a part of the body for years.
Their historical perspective and ability to see that this recent bump in the road will soon pass, is so valuable.
If you take the time to connect with, and become friends with these older saints, you will be so glad you did.
Another part of ministry I love is when a person with no church background, or concept of church culture, starts coming to the church.
There is a vantage point you can gain from these friends that you cannot get anywhere else.
If you take the time to connect with them, they can help you see where you have become culturally ignorant, gotten lazy in your preaching and presentation, developed ugly habits, or forgotten to plan for visitors. If you are willing, a new person can help you see the blind spots you may have.
With that being said, I think all types of people, old and new to the church, aren't always quite sure what their part in church life is supposed to look like.
So in order to help with this dilemma, I have crafted this highly scholastic, and research heavy list of 10 things each church member should be doing on a regular basis.
1. Smile
I am sure there is some study somewhere that proves this, but did you know that smiling is awesome? When you smile at people, it makes them feel better about themselves, and better about you. When you are about a block away from your church, I want you to look into a mirror, get that smile out, and don't put it away until you are gone.
(Proverbs 17:22)
2. Come Early and Stay Late
The mathematical probability of you getting to know someone at your church increases dramatically when you show up before service starts, and stick around after it's over and say "hi" to some people. Church is meant to be a community, so be a part of your community. Instead of treating our church like a movie theater, we need to treat it like a living room.
(Romans 12:10)
3. Say "Thank You"
No doubt, somewhere in your time at the church, someone will do something for you. Perhaps they are opening a door, or checking your kids into the nursery or something else along those lines; when they do, say "Thank You." They didn't have to, and I am sure you are grateful they did, so let them know.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
4. Do Something
Contrary to the view of some, church is not a spectator sport, it is an all hands on deck lifestyle. You may not have the vocal chops to sing on stage, but you can shake hands. There are so many places in the church where there is constant need. Kids need teachers, paper programs need dispersing, doors need holding, new people need directing, teenagers need investing. There is so much more to be done, than there are people to do it. So talk to your church leaders and choose to do something.
(Galatians 6:9)
5. Bring Someone
A party with three people is fun, but a party with ten people is even more fun. Church with thirty people is great, but church with the addition of twenty friends is even better. You are already going, and you most likely have room in your car for at least one more. So bring someone to church with you.
(Matthew 28:19, 20)
6. Get Uncomfortable
Allow me to address the consumer mentality some of us approach our church with. We want to hear professional grade music that speaks directly to us and our unique musical taste. Then we want to be inspired by a great sermon that addresses our needs for that week, without stepping over any lines that could potentially offend us or make us uncomfortable. I hate to tell you, but that church doesn't exist. So decide to get uncomfortable. Choose to love the people around you, more than you love your favorite style of sermons or songs.
(1 Peter 3:17)
7. Give
Now seems like a good time to thump my Bible... In
Acts 20:35b it says,
"remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive."You may struggle to find extra time in your week, you may struggle to make your paycheck last you until the next one comes in, but trust me here. Find a way to give. Give your time, give your talents, and give your money. Certainly others will be blessed by your giving, but believe me when I say, you will be even more blessed than them.
(Luke 6:38)
8. Think Big Picture
It is so easy to become completely focused on how things affect us in the church. What we think of the new carpet, the order of service, the length of sermons or whatever. We can feel very strongly about any number of things, and we may even have great reason for our strong feelings. Even still, we need to keep in mind that we are one of many. Your church leaders no doubt work tirelessly to prepare a service that is a blessing to everyone. I am sure they are constantly considering the balance of how to present a service that will uplift all that come, regardless of age or background. Your leaders are trying to think big picture, so help them out by thinking big picture too.
(Philippians 2:3)
9. Welcome Change
Here is a hard one for all of us. We like our coffee extra hot, we like our room temperature at 68 degrees, and we like our steak cooked medium rare. The idea of changing any of these things seems ludicrous to us. We like what we like, and we don't want to change it. Yet change is coming, and if we are honest about it, we also know that change is necessary. In order to reach our community that is constantly bombarded with change, we need to adapt to meet our audience. To be clear, I am not saying we should attempt to change what the Bible says, I am suggesting we change how we choose to present it.
(2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
10. Go To Church
Some studies show that the average church attender goes to church only once or twice a month. I know it's easy to get busy, but this is important. These are your friends, and your family, they need you. You are tasked together to share the greatest news ever told, the message of Jesus and His love for the world. So be there, and be there regularly.
(Hebrews 10:25)
I hope this list has been helpful to you. Even more than that, I hope you choose to live these out. You may be great at 5 or 6 of them, but I believe each of us should strive to be great at all 10.