Treasa and I were invited over to a friends house for dinner last night. There were four families there hanging out together. It was a lot of fun. The best part, well besides the delicious food, was getting to hear each others stories.
We joked about different defining moments in our marriages and or lives. We talked about how we met our spouses, and the journey from the first date to our wedding day.
Everyone's story was fascinating.
As I sat and listened to everyone's story I was captivated by the little moments they described. I felt compassion for the difficult moments they experienced; and I laughed at the embarrassing moments they described that were all too familiar from my own life.
I walked away feeling like I got to know these other couples really well. We had shared a very personal part of our story. It helped me to know them, and it gave them a chance to get to know us.
Sometimes it is easier to just exist around people, instead of really sharing life with them.
It's uncomfortable to tell an embarrassing part of your story. It's risky to share a time you are ashamed of. Yet in these moments of vulnerability, we get a chance to really know someone, and give others a chance to really get to know us.

God made us to be in relationship with other people. There is a risk sure, but the reward is even greater!
So are you just existing around others? Or are you sharing life with them?
Allow me to encourage you to be real with the people God has placed around you. You will be so glad you did.
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