I remember the first time I read about Elijah's story in 1 Kings 18 and 19 in the Old Testament. I was so blown away by what happened.
I was captivated by his ability to stand up and speak of his faith in God, even when he was surrounded by hundreds of people who passionately disagreed. My mind spun at the miracle that God accomplished of sending down fire to consume the altar and the sacrifice.
If you haven't read 1 Kings 18, you should stop right now and read it. Click here to check it out online if you don't have a Bible with you. Start in verse 20.
This part of the story was amazing to me. There is so much there to chew on, to consider, and to think about.
But this wasn't the part of the story that got my attention. It was the first part of the next chapter, chapter 19.
After all these amazing things, after the miracles and everything, Elijah heard someone was angry with him, and was coming after him; so he ran and hid.
The guy who just saw God send down fire from heaven, the guy who just stood in faith in front of a massive crowd, trusting God to do something amazing, ran and hid.
More than that, after he ran and hid, he sat under a bush and wished he was dead.

I have always found it disturbingly easy to go from feeling on top of the world, to unsure the sun will ever shine again. Maybe some of you have felt the same way?
Consider this though, the God who was faithful and there with Elijah in Chapter 18, was still with Elijah in Chapter 19.
The support, power, and love that God had available to Elijah hadn't changed. What changed was Elijah's focus. He was no longer looking to God, he was looking at his circumstance.
In the same way, we can become discouraged or disheartened when we look only at the circumstances around us, instead of to the God who is for us, the God who provides for us, the God who loves us.
So let me encourage you with this thought, instead of being driven by the circumstance of your day, good or bad, focus on the God who never changes, never forgets, and never leaves. When our eyes are fixed on Him, regardless of the challenge, we can stand confident and assured of Gods ability to take care of all that we need.
Keep your eyes on Him!
It's not hard understand why he ran and hid. Anyone who takes a stand for what is right in the face of those who think they have the answers gets beat up. The bible makes that clear. If you don't feel like running and hiding sometimes, you ain't doin' it right. Sometimes you don't know how you can continue when all are against you. If you haven't experienced this in your life, keep following truth, and you will!