This Easter was especially significant for me this year.
The Pastor I grew up under, Pastor John, has been real sick lately. He was recently taken to the hospital, and the outcome of this visit is bleak. He is a wonderful man who has lived a long wonderful life, and I imagine in his heart, to be face to face with Jesus is a warm thought. All that being said, I struggle as a young pastor with the idea of not being able to call him and ask for his advice or perspective on a matter. The idea of not being able to sit with John is really difficult for me to bear.
In addition to the situation with Pastor John, this is the first Easter I have had as a Lead Pastor to really dream about what this Sunday could look like. I wanted Easter to be seen as it truly is, a Big Day. Treasa and I started our journey here at Malone last year, just two or three weeks before Easter, so it came so quickly, I didn't have time to think about it.
So this year, we as a church looked at Easter as a great opportunity to invite family and friends, do a couple extra special things, and really make a concerted effort to make Easter special.

It was such a beautiful picture of God's people running the race together.
Moreover, I began to consider the people who would be attending church that morning who normally did not. I felt such a deep responsibility for presenting God's Word, and the message that morning in a way that would capture their attention. I want to see their life transformed by a relationship with Jesus. I wanted our church to show the love of Christ in a way that would surprise the visitors, and cause them to be drawn in, and drawn back again another Sunday.
Easter's message is powerful and important, and the world needs to hear it. It is a message of Jesus' love for people, a love that caused Him to lay down His life for us. The message of His power, the power to overcome death and the grave.
I guess at the end of the day, I wanted us to do our part to make sure that message was heard by as many people as possible. I wanted our community to see that love modeled in our behavior.
In the end, as I finally laid down on Sunday night; God surprised me. He is so faithful, and His reward always outweighs our efforts. Our Sunday service went great, but more than that, great connections were made. Believers stepped out of their comfort zone, and found joy in new connections. New people felt welcomed and loved, and many spoke of returning.
Even more importantly, there were people who came to church that morning who did not have a relationship with Jesus, and they left having begun one.
So I guess I share all this to say; to Malone Assembly, thank you for showing the love of Christ.
To all else, don't be afraid to risk and dream for Big Days. God's plans far surpass our own. He wants to move through us in a way, that will impact others around us for all of eternity.
Thanks Jesus, You surprise me with Your love.