There are two major pitfalls we can fall into. One we look at Jesus as the answer to our problems, and nothing more. We swing by to make requests, or complaints, and then don't say another word until something else goes wrong. What other relationships would thrive in that environment?
The second opposite extreme to that scenario is the one I want to focus on here. We say we are in relationship with Jesus, but we are really just trying to do stuff that we think would make Him happy, or do things that make us seem like we are in relationship with Him.
Here is what I mean by that. We don't smoke, don't chew, don't go with guys and girls who do. We don't swear, we don't steal, we smile, we go to church, we help people.
All of those things are great, but none of those things constitute a relationship with Jesus.
We can do all those things really well, and never even talk to Jesus.
Not swearing doesn't improve your relationship with Jesus any more than typing on your computer makes you a closer friend of Bill Gates.

But that's the model, relationship with Jesus is followed by our changed behavior.
We don't change our behavior, and by default we progress in our relationship with Jesus.
So here is my encouragement to you this week.
Next time you begin to do, or not do something out of a religious habit; instead, pause in that moment, and simply say, "Hey God, it's me. Anything you want to say to me?"
You will be so glad you did.