I heard someone say the other day that, "the church is the only organization where the members expect every need, every preference, and every obstacle to be fixed and met by the leadership." Essentially, this person was making the observation that the "church" or the people that go to a church have become convinced that the job of the church is to meet all their needs and desires.
This may not seem like a big deal, I mean after all haven't we all heard a friend or family member say, "I need to look for a new church, this one isn't meeting our needs." or, "I am looking for a church that really focuses on all the things that are important to us." or finally, "We are doing some church shopping to find a church that really does well in all the areas that are important to us."
Maybe some of those statement you yourself have said, maybe they don't bother you at all, or maybe all three make your skin crawl.
Regardless of your stance on these statements I want you to consider a few things.
The Disciples followed Jesus for around 3 years. During that time, they saw Jesus do amazing things for all sorts of people. He healed, fed, and encouraged the poor, the rich, the wicked and the innocent.
The Disciples really only found themselves getting into trouble when they did one thing...
In Luke 9:46 and again in Luke 22:24 the Disciples are found arguing about which of them is the greatest.
Jesus rebukes their thinking both times.
The Disciples lost perspective when they began to think following Jesus was about them, and not about others.
So let me encourage you with this thought; when you consider your faith, your walk with Jesus, how much of that is about you, and how much of that is about others?
Jesus wants to speak through you, He wants to bless others through you. Don't miss out on those opportunities by focusing on the wrong things. You will be so glad you did!
For more blogs by Daniel, please click here danielcsabo.com
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