I grew up in a medium sized middle class American town. I was surrounded by people that I would describe, and I know others would too, as good willed people, that love God and love others.
I say that to explain, I believe I grew up in a culture, that is similar to many Christian Americans.
Alright, here is the context of conversation I want to have with you today...
I grew up believing that women were less important, less valuable, and less capable than men.
Notice I did not say, "much less", but the amount of less, simply doesn't matter.
I have come to realize how wrong I was in this belief.
There are so many directions this conversation can go from here, and many of those conversations are well worth having. However, I would like to focus in on one particular idea that I am especially passionate about.
Here is my big idea.
If men in the church understood God's thoughts and plans for women, and if women in the church embraced the reality of God's thoughts and plans for them, this world would never be the same.
It makes me sad when I hear people equate the Bible, or God's thoughts toward women as chauvinistic. I'm not arguing there weren't people in the Bible who were that way. The Old and New Testament are full of them, fact is, that way of thinking is still prevalent today, but that doesn't mean that is God's opinion.
Let me explain what I mean.
The first book and first chapter of the Bible, we find this verse. Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them." God created man and woman in His image. That means, the most accurate picture we can see of God, is found in the combination of both man and woman.
In the very next verse we see this. Genesis 1:28 "God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'"
God blessed both of them, and said to both of them, "I have a plan for you, multiply and take possession of the land."
God had a plan for men and women from the beginning.
Yet the unfortunate reality was, sin entered into the picture.
The result of sin, caused two types of division. Division between mankind and God, and division between men and women. More specifically, that division manifested as men ruling over women.
Since that time, God has been revealing his plan, and actively working to restore that division.
Why is it that people are excited about bridging the gap of separation between mankind and God, but they haven't considered the idea of healing the division between men and women?
Was one part of the curse meant to be restored to the original design, (mankind back in right relationship with God) and the other part of the curse was meant to be blessed? (men ruling over women)
The most quoted passage of Scripture speaks to the restoring of mankind to God. Certainly that is God's heart.

God's Word also speaks to restoring right relationship between men and women, along with all sorts of other types of division we have created.
Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
I believe God wants to restore our relationship with Him, and I believe God wants to restore the relationship between man and woman.
Now you may be reading this, and your mind is going to verses like Ephesians 5:23 Where it says, "For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. " If that's you, I get it. My mind has gone there too. I applaud you for considering all of Scripture, and not wanting to build an idea on just one passage.
I ask that you stick with that same line of thinking, because as we talk through all of this, I want you to consider the bigger message that all Scripture communicates when looking at this passage and others like it.
Is this passage in Ephesians (and I encourage you to read the whole chapter) emphasizing an idea that men are more important or more valuable than women? Is it stating that men have greater capability, so God needs them to rule over women?
Or is this passage instructing men to love and lead their family like Jesus loves and leads the church?
I believe the second option to be true. So how does Jesus lead? He leads with sacrifice, grace, patience and selflessness.
This passage, especially in partnership with verse 25, is emphasizing the power of a godly man's sacrificial leadership of his family. This type of living is equated to how Christ loves the church, that is such an honor.
This passage is all about empowering men to lead like Jesus, that type of leadership is defined and modeled by Jesus through putting others first.
I don't believe this passage has anything to do with men ruling over women, nor is it asserting an idea that men are more valuable or capable than women.
I believe many of the passages people use to argue God's desire for men to rule over women, are tangled up due to an assumption about God's heart toward women, that simply isn't true.
I love dialogue, and I hope to have a lot regarding this topic, and I truly am interested in hearing your thoughts. But first please allow me to ask of you, one small favor.
As you are looking over those passages, I would like you to first say this simple statement to yourself, "God revealed His character and likeness through both men and women; in addition to that, God has always had a great plan for both men and women."
I believe, when we start with the assumption that God loves men and women equally, values them equally, and wants to bless them equally, we read Scripture with a better frame of mind.
I am not making the argument that men and women are the same, I think it's pretty obvious that men and women are different. You know who else is different? Men and men, and so are women and women. All people are different.
Treasa and I are indeed very different, but most of our differences aren't easily categorized as male or female. Treasa is far more bold than I am, I am much more sensitive to people's tone of voice, and their choice of words. These are not feminine, or masculine traits, they are human traits.
The fact that we are different, doesn't make one of us more important or valuable than the other.
Men and Women may be different, but God doesn't love them differently. He loves all of us completely.
Men and Women may be different, but the plans He has for us are the same. His plans for each of us are supernatural, they shape who we become, they change the culture around us, they reach out to the furthest parts of the world.
God may have given us different gifts, and the journey He has planned for us, is just as unique as we are. But His plans for all of us, men and women alike, are great.
Let's bring this back to my original thought. If men in the church understood God's thoughts and plans for women, and if women in the church embraced the reality of God's thoughts and plans for them, this world would never be the same.
Picture this with me.
Imagine a world, where men and women alike, are fully convinced that God wants to use them in supernatural ways to change and impact the lives of others.
Imagine a world where godly men are energized and encouraged by the leadership and innovation of godly women.
Imagine a world where godly women never pause in fear of what godly men will think, as they choose to step out in faith following God's plan for them.
I believe that ultimately, change like this starts with an understanding that this is God's plan. That this was His plan from the beginning.
That's the world I want to live in. It's also the world I want my daughters and sons to live in.
So let's do our part to dispel the lie, that women are less important, less valuable, and less capable than men. Instead, let's remember God's original design.
Let me close with this. The most oppressed people group in all of history is women. It was true a couple thousand years ago, and it's still true today. How drastically different will this world look, when this pattern of oppression is broken?
I bet there isn't a single thought that scares the enemy more than that one.
Tell me what you think. Does any of this strike a chord with you? Share your thoughts and stories, I would love to hear them.
So I know you like dialogue but I just literally love all of this and that's all I have to say.
So I know you like dialogue but I just literally love all of this and that's all I have to say.
Thanks Ian, I'm glad you like it!