In our relationships, we are constantly making the decision of which imperfections to point out, and which ones to overlook.
It is just a part of being in relationship with people. Yet, I think many of us could use some adjusting at how we approach this issue.
I have heard several times, of one person being upset, because another person is too critical. They feel as though they are constantly being picked apart.
Generally speaking, the person who is accused is a good-natured person. Yet for some reason they come across as overly critical.
I have heard many topics of conflict. They range from, "they are terrible with money", "they never follow through", "they are always late", "they are too insensitive", "they never listen", and the list goes on and on.

What I mean by that is, people generally don't argue about issues that don't matter at all. I have yet to hear people argue over the fact that their first and last name don't rhyme.
I will say however, that just because the issue is a real issue, does not mean it needs to be constantly confronted or talked about.
Whenever we are in relationship with someone, and we see an area of weakness, we are faced with a few different options.
1. We can pretend we didn't see it, and hold our thoughts in.
2. We can hint around about what we see, but never really say anything directly.
3. We can say something directly, but not necessarily every time.
4. We can say something directly every time, or nearly every time.
These are the primary options I think most of us use.
Today, I would like to suggest an additional option.
1 Peter 4:8 says, Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Sometimes the solution when you see an imperfection in someone else, is to ask God to increase your love for the other person.
I know it seems like a crazy concept. You may be thinking, "They are the one with the problem!"
Well you are right, but so are you.
They have a problem with money, or time management; but you have a love problem.
So rather than arguing about whether or not the issue is worth an argument; ask God to increase your love for that person.
Allow the source of the argument to be covered with love.
If you are worried about whether or not this will work, just remember, "... love covers over a multitude of sins."
So yeah, it probably will work.
Interested in reading about what to say, if you believe it is an issue worth addressing? Click Here
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