No matter how may times I see these places, the shock and sorrow I feel never wanes. Why do they have to struggle so much? Why would someone just leave this beautiful child out on the street to die?

I went to see what an organization does to help some of the most needy people in the world.
I went to see Convoy of Hope in action.
Convoy of Hope coordinates with many different programs to get resources, food, and help to the people who need it most.
I met hundreds of kids in orphanages who, without Convoy of Hope, would simply not eat.
More than just providing food to the hungry, Convoy of Hope brings a message of God's love for everyone. They give through local churches and ministers, so the people receive food, and love from their local community.
It is simply amazing.

These are simple ways for us to give out of our great abundance to people who have never known abundance.
It is our honor, it is our joy, and it is our duty.
I encourage you to read more about what Convoy of Hope does, and how you can partner as well. Perhaps through your church, through your family, or however else you decide. It is a worthy cause, and the need is so great.
Please ask me if you have any questions about where to start, or how to get involved. I would consider it a high honor to share the mission and heart of Convoy of Hope.
If you are anything like me, life has a way of distracting us, and getting our focus off of the things that matter most, and onto temporary and insignificant worries and desires.

Not just the people in my immediate circle, but all people.
I ask that you do the same.
Let's ask God to help us keep a perspective of what matters most, and how we might be used. Maybe we should provide a kind word or a smile; or maybe a helping hand or word of encouragement, or maybe a plate of rice.

Here are some links to check out
Convoy of Hope
One Day to Feed the World
Feed One
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