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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Strength for the Journey

I have taken the last couple weeks off from writing, because I have been choosing to slow down for a little while. A great Pastor friend and mentor of mine says, "Life is about seasons of stress and release, sometimes you really need to press in and do the hard work to accomplish something great, but then you need to take time to rest afterward." This has been a season of release for me.

I find myself from time to time getting a little worn out with balancing all the wonderful things in my life. I love my family, I love my job, I love my friends, and I love serving God. I am passionate about these areas of my life, so I passionately pursue growing, learning, and improving in them. After a season of pressing in to those areas, I get tired.

So does everyone else.

As a matter of fact, even Jesus saw the need to rest. In Luke 5:16 says, "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."

I am not sure if it is from getting busy, or from being so focused on the moment, but it is so easy to forget to rest.

Jesus knew there was so much need in His day; but He also understood that He needed strength for the next day.

I am pretty sure, there is more on your "to do list" than you have time to accomplish. That can be pretty overwhelming. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." 

Truer words have never been spoken, each day has more than enough trouble.

So pace yourself, and start working on withdrawing often to lonely places in order to pray and rest.

Life's journey is a marathon, not a sprint. So press in during the seasons of stress; but remember to get away and rest during the seasons of release.

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