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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Religion Won't Get You There

One of the most common misconceptions I find people have of Pastors, is that "Pastor" is who you are all the time.

Perhaps I am the minority in this thinking, but I don't think so. Fact is, most of the time I am operating as either Dad or Husband, and sometimes friend, or even Son and Brother.

Which means there are many occasions where I am in the mindset of one of these roles, and that uncomfortable moment comes up where someone asks me what I do for a living.

I am not ashamed at all of God's call on my life, but I really don't like the awkward moments that follow my answer. I try to say it in the least spiritual way I can think of, "I work at a church" or, "I minister at a church in town."

No matter how I word it, the inevitable follows. They either shut down the conversation and walk away, or begin to explain to me why they don't go to church anymore. I don't ask them, they just start explaining. There is also often a great increase in the use of the phrase "Lord knows...".

It's kind of funny, but mostly sad.

The most common explanation people give me is, they tried church, but it just wasn't for them. Maybe they went as a kid, or were part of a youth group in High School; but somehow they went from an attender to a non-attender.

It is my experience that these people are the hardest to reach with the truth of the Gospel, or the Good News about Jesus.

I think the reason it is so difficult to reach someone in this position is they have tried church, and it didn't work for them. It is hard to convince us to try something again, especially when you are convinced it won't make a difference.

Trouble is, just attending church won't change your life, not really.

I think this stems from the fact that many believers have made the mistake of pushing church attendance, and not emphasizing relationship with Jesus.

In 1 Peter 1:8,9 it says, You never saw Him, yet you love Him. You still don't see Him, yet you trust Him - with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you'll get what you're looking forward to; total salvation.

Relationship with Jesus is something no one can give you, it is a journey we each need to walk on. And although we don't see Him, with relationship, there is no doubt that He is there. It is a genuine affection and love that grows in us as we get to know Him more.

So if up to this point, church is what you are trying, it is time to change your focus. If you tried church before and it didn't work for you, I understand. Instead build a relationship with Jesus.

It's always been about Relationship, Not Religion.

If you are in relationship with Jesus, He will bring you to a place of joy, peace, comfort, and understanding. Please hear me when I say, no matter how frequently you go, or how committed you are, Religion won't get you there.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

None of Us are as Strong as We Pretend to Be

I was 19 when I joined the Army.

Growing up I never was a tough guy; there wasn't a day when I walked down the halls of my high school, and people moved out of my way because of my intimidating strength and size. Yet with all that said, at 19, I felt pretty strong. I felt like I was in pretty good shape.

After my first day of Basic Training, I found out I was I wrong.

I think as believers many of us walk through life feeling like we are pretty strong in our relationship with God. We think we have a good grasp on God's Word. Yet when difficult times come, or strain from relationship or circumstance leaps out of nowhere; we find that we don't have what it takes.

I guess the reality is for a 19 year old kid, I was in pretty good shape. I was fairly strong; as long as I was just accomplishing normal day to day tasks. But put me in a situation where a much higher level of work ethic, or more difficult physical strain was applied, I didn't have what I needed.

If all our faith or relationship with God is for, is to give us the energy to go to church from time to time, or answer a question or two in our Sunday School class, we don't need much relationship for that. Yet when life gets complicated or painful, we find that level of relationship just isn't enough.

In Isaiah 41:10 it says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

God isn't asking us to face life in our strength, in fact it is much the opposite. God wants us to have confidence because of His strength; but He doesn't just use His strength to fix our circumstances. God shares His strength with us, He makes us stronger.

Just like any other type of strength building, that comes with time and effort. As we grow closer to God, we are built up more and more with His strength.

So let me encourage you, build your strength in Jesus now. Don't wait for difficult circumstances to come and prove you aren't strong enough. Train yourself up now, to prepare you for when those moments come, and they will come.

Fact is, if we're honest enough with ourselves to admit it, none of us are as strong as we pretend to be.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

There is Beauty Found There

Have you ever noticed that people are different? :)

I got an email from a friend I haven't talked to in a while. It was so good to hear from him. I think back to when we first met in late 2001, and how our friendship has grown since then. We haven't lived by each other in years, but he is one of those friends I can connect with, even after not talking for months. Each time it is like talking with a dear close friend.

We seem to reconnect during our difficult or big transitions in life. God gives the other person just the right words to share. It is really awesome.

The most intriguing thing about this particular friendship is how different we are. We come from totally different worlds, and have very different personalities. Yet on our most difficult days, we lean on each other. Somehow we always know just what the other needs to hear.

I think for most people, it is easy to get stuck looking for others who talk the same, have experienced the same things, think the same way, or even look the same.

It is a very boring way to live.

If we are the same, how well can we help to stretch and challenge each other? How well can we spur each other on to grow as people?

In Proverbs 27:17 it says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." 

Whenever I read this verse I think of the medieval times.

There is the blacksmith working in a smoke filled, dimly lit hut. There is a fire burning in the middle of the room. He violently thrusts the sword he is shaping into coals and flames. After the metal is red hot, he pulls the sword out, places it on the anvil, and violently beats the sword with the massive hammer. Each swing forcing the sword, now erupting with sparks and shards of metal, into the shape desired by the metal artist.

This is the picture God uses to describe the journey of relationship.

Not as boring.

I guess the main point I am wanting to make is this; if you are one of those people who are only looking to connect with people who are the same as you... Stop It.

You are missing out on the building and growing that happens when you surround yourself with people who are great at things, that you are terrible at.

Most of all, you are missing out on the picture God designed for us... iron sharpening iron isn't pretty, but what it produces is beautiful and useful.

So the next time you see someone who is quite a bit different than you, extend a hand; there is beauty found there.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Join Me In The Journey

Treasa and I were talking recently about the years we have been together, all the ups and downs we have faced. It feels like remembering a movie or a book. It doesn't seem as if we are talking about ourselves, but rather that we are talking about characters we once knew.

I find it difficult to think about the 20 year old, or 25 year old me. I am embarrassed at how arrogant, immature, and dense I was. My whole world revolved around what I wanted, what I liked, and how things affected me. Other people, including my young family, were a distant second in my world.

I would like to say I have completely overcome all of those things, but I haven't, I am still in process. However, with assurance I can say, I am not that person anymore.

Sometimes I run into people who knew me during that time, or even before, and I wonder why they approach me in the way they do. Do they assume I am still that same person?

Why wouldn't they?

People don't change. At least that is what we hear. Yet many of us would attest, that simply isn't the case.

I am not who I was. In fact, my prayer is that one year from now, I am not the same as I am today.

Let me direct this to the real issue. The most important thing to note is, "how" I changed; or more accurately, "who" changed me. I am not different because I simply decided to become someone else. My change came by approaching the person of Jesus, and allowing Him to make the changes in me.

He is really good at what He does. I am really bad at what He does.

Not only could I never change myself, I wasn't able to choose which areas needed changing, or what to change them into. I needed Jesus, and I need Him still.

Do you need to make some changes? Are there some things in you that you wish weren't there?

I have some great news for you. Jesus can help you change.

The beauty of all of this is, Jesus doesn't turn introverts into extroverts. He doesn't change silly people into serious people, musicians into tax lawyers, or plumbers into lumberjacks. Jesus loves our individuality. God created us, He designed our unique mix of gifts and talents.

Jesus builds us up; and we can become so changed that people will see a completely different person.

So if you haven't yet, join me in the journey of allowing Jesus to build and change you into something even more beautiful.