Each time I read the story of Joseph in the Old Testament I am amazed at his resilience and ability to keep pressing on.
If ever there were a man who had a right to throw in the towel, it was him.
Joseph never did give up, and countless people were blessed because of his choice to continue moving forward.
If you haven't read the story, Joseph was one of many sons, and his older brothers felt Joseph was their Dad's favorite. This led to bitterness in the older brother's hearts.
Up to this point, that probably sounds familiar to many. What the brothers did because of their bitterness however, would likely be viewed by most, as a bit harsh.
Joseph's brothers planned to throw their brother in a pit to die. Yet, one brother showed compassion, feeling that was too much, so he convinced the other brothers to instead, sell their brother into slavery.
I am not sure if that could be labeled as compassion, but I guess slavery is better than death, barely.
Joseph goes from being a part of a blessed and successful family, to property of someone else, with no rights and no future.
Joseph is then purchased to work in a high ranking man's home. Instead of sulking in his slavery, Joseph excels in his new environment, and gains favor with his owner.
Unfortunately, Joseph's master had a wife who was twisted. She tried to lure Joseph into having an affair with her. Joseph refused, so she lied and said Joseph tried to attack her.
Now Joseph is thrown in prison.
Joseph goes from being a favored son, to thrown into a pit, to sold into slavery, to working his way up to a trusted and favored servant, and now he is throw into prison.
I have walked through some adversity in my life, but nothing like this.
Joseph was a good man. He was a hard worker, intelligent, and successful. What he got in return, was judgement, accusation, and hate.
I think for most of us, at some point in time, we have walked through a season of persecution, attack, or some other form of difficulty.
This is especially difficult when we feel like we are doing all we can to make good choices, treat people well, and work hard.
It's unfair, and it hurts.
My challenge to you, is to consider this; what you are walking through today, is preparing you for a greater thing tomorrow.
Trouble and attack from others is not a marker of your worth, or whether or not God is pleased with you.
Your troubles and difficulties today are preparing you for whatever good work God has for you down the road.
Joseph's story ends with him being the second most powerful man in the known world. God uses Joseph to create a plan to save thousands and thousands of people from starvation during a time of famine.
I don't know how your story, or my story will end; but I do know this, if we continue to trust God and move forward, God can do miraculous things through us.
We need to choose to keep moving forward, but moreover, we need to keep our perspective on the long term, and the bigger picture.
If this is a season where you are in the pit, in a prison, or living with persecution and accusation, let me encourage you.
Your pain has a purpose, and God has a plan to use your persecution!
Don't give up, and you will see an even greater reward than you can hope or imagine.
I am praying for you.
"We need to choose to keep moving forward, but moreover, we need to keep our perspective on the long term, and the bigger picture... pain has a purpose..." I'm reminded, with hope, to keep moving forward. Life is truly difficult at times and when your teetering on the edge of a pit its oh too easy to think about falling in instead of seeing that there is a way out. Our eyes are drawn to the dark abyss instead of the light at the top. We haven't fallen yet, and that's where God lives; he is the light of hope!
ReplyDeleteThat's a beautiful word picture. I think one of the thinking patterns I get stuck in, is after I have fallen in the pit time and time again, it's easy to assume I will end up there again. Often times, God saves us from the pit!